Stephenson Wholesale Co
dba Indian Nation Wholesale
Voluntary Insurance Options
This page is being provided to you for general information. For plan changes or to add coverage please contact your agent at the bottom of this page.
Aflac Accident Advantage
24 Hour Coverage
In the event of an unexpected injury, Aflac can help protect your personal finances. We provide individuals and families affordable insurance that helps with expenses that my not be covered by major medical insurance.
Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance
Cancer treatment is changing - and Aflac is proud to be changing with it. Thanks to advances in science and treatment, more and more Americans today are living with cancer. Aflac Cancer Protection Assurance helps cover these innovative treatments with benefits that really care for you as a whole person.
Aflac Choice Hospital Indemnity
Aflac Choice offers a wide variety of options so you can customize hospital benefits based on your unique needs and budget - to help with out-of-pocket expenses associated with doctor visits, hospitalizations, and mental health treatment, including counceling and urgent care.
Aflac Critical Care Protection
Critical Care Protection policy helps provide financial peace of mind if you experience a serious health event, such as a heart Attack or stroke.
Enhanced Benefits Solutions
office 405.996.0888 (M-F 8:30am-3:30pm)
Ricky DeFalco
The rates shown below are an example and do not in any way constitute a guarantee in coverage. Please visit with your company's dedicated agent Ricky DeFalco to get a specific quote, to add/change current coverage or to apply for new coverage.
(Additional Riders are available on most plans Aflac plans)
Plan changes can be made during your open enrollment or throughout the year. To make a mid year change our office will need to coordinate with your HR Department for permission. Enrollments are completed through your Ease Benefit Administration system.
Register yourself to review your plans, update contact information, submit claims and much more through the Aflac member website. Click the Aflac logo above to get started.
For further assistance contact your local agent through the "Claims Assistance" link below.
Download the Aflac App Below
(you must register on the Aflac member website first)
- Contact Us
For more information or assistance with your insurance.
1932 W Lindsey St
Suite B
Norman, OK 730698:30am - 3:30pm M-F405.996.0888 office